Saturday, 5 May 2012

Abhishek & Aishwarya Rai Compatibility

Abhishek & Aishwarya Rai have become the hottest couple of Indian Cinema. Compatibility between them has been the most speculated thing among people hese days. They both have Mangala effect in their horoscope. Mangala Dosha affects the married life of a person in many ways – it creates delays, cheating, hurdles and obstacles in getting married. After marriage physical, mental or financial hardship for one of the partners or both the partners. It causes mutual disputes, allegations and counter allegations and may even lead to disintegration of marriage. If Dosha is pronounced, one of the partners may remain ill or there may be untimely death of either one or both the partners.

Inspite of this one should not be scared of Mangala Dosha. Efforts should be made for a person having Mangala Dosha to marry another person with Mangala Dosha because when the dosha is similar, it gets nullified and the couple leads a happy married life.

Cancellation Of Mangala Dosha between Abhishek Bachhan And Aishwarya Rai

As per astrological classics, the Mangala Dosha cannot be cancelled entirely, only its intensity can be reduced. Under special circumstances, Mangala Dosha is automatically nullified or reduced to a minimum.

1. In the horoscope of Abhishek Bachchan Mars is placed in the eighth house while n the horoscope of Aishwarya Rai it is placed in the fourth house, so Mangala Dosha is cancelled.

2. Since the number of malefic planets in the Mangala Dosha forming houses are more in the chart of Abhishek Bachchan as compared to Aishwarya Rai, the marital relationship is excellent.

3. This cancellation of Mangala Dosha is based on the Bhakoota, the Gana and the overall points gained in the Ashtkoota method of matching the horoscopes. The analysis of the charts of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai reveals the following results.

(a) Bhakoota Matching: In the horoscope of Abhishek Bachchan the sign occupied by the Moon is Pisces and in the horoscope of Aishwarya Rai the sign occupied by the Moon is Sagittarius. The Bhakoota matching is auspicious and 7.0 gunas are allotted.

(b) Gana Matching: Abhishek Bachchan's Gana is Deva and Aishwarya Rai's Gana is Manushya. Gana matching is auspicious and 6.0 gunas are allotted.

(c) Ashtkoota Matching: In the Ashtkoota matching between Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai has resulted in 31.5 points out of a maximum of 36 points.

Results: Since both the Bhakoota and Gana matching are auspicious and in the Ashtkoota the points gained are high, the Mangala Dosha effect is nullified.

4. In the horoscope of Aishwarya Rai the Mangala Dosha is formed due to the placement of Mars in the fourth house. Since Jupiter is placed in the first house of her horoscope, the inauspicious effects of the Mangala Dosha gets cancelled.

5. In the horoscope of Aishwarya Rai the Mangala Dosha is formed because of placement of Mars in the fourth house. Since it is placed in the movable sign Aries the effects of Mangala Dosha gets cancelled.

6. In the birth Chart of Aishwarya Rai Mars is in the fourth house in Aries. Therefore the effects of Mangala Dosha gets cancelled.

So, we come to conclusion that Mangal Dosha is cancelled in both chart.

Other Consideration

Although there are some other parameters to judge the happiness and longevity of married life.

In the horoscope of Aishwarya Rai seventh lord Moon is placed in 12 th house in Rahu Ketu axis with yogakaraka Venus. It is also getting aspect of lagna lord Saturn. It shows some possibilities of misunderstanding between both the partners. If not dealt wisely can take bad turn. Due to the presence of dispositor of the 12 th house Jupiter in the Lagna this issue will likely to settle with the help of any elder person of the family.

In the horoscope of Abhishek Bachchan the seventh lord Mars is placed in 8 th house. Mars is also aspecting the dispositor of 7 th lord Venus. Saturn is aspecting 7 th house. Abhishek should be careful upto the one and half year in respect of any risk taking shot of the shooting. The health of his mother Jaya Bachchan should be taken care.

His father Amitabh Bachchan will help the newly wed couple in a good and nice way. We pray to god to a successful and happy married life to the couple.